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Before starting, you should check the available settings in the file, especially the codec, since it defaults to Nvidia.

'CPU' is safer, but 10-20 times slower.

It would be good if someone with an AMD GPU could provide good settings there.

C_CODEC = 'nvidia' module-attribute

The codec we use.

C_CODEC_SETTINGS = {'nvidia': '-c:v h264_nvenc -profile:v high -tune hq -rc-lookahead 8 -bf 2 -rc vbr -cq 10 -b:v 0 -maxrate 120M -bufsize 240M', 'amd': '-c:v h264_amf', 'cpu': '-c:v libx264 -crf 15'} module-attribute

Specific settings for the codec. Nvidia is described here:

"", "".

The default crf for cpu is 23. The higher the crf or cq, the worse the quality, but the smaller the file size.

C_TIME_AMONG_NEIGHBOUR_PEAKS = 1 module-attribute

Implemented in find_offsets. How far from each other should offsets be placed?

C_TO_PRINT_EXECUTION_TIME = True module-attribute

Whether to show each function's execution time.

C_TO_PRINT_FFMPEG_DEBUG = False module-attribute

Whether to show detailed information from ffmpeg.

C_TO_PRINT_ONLY_FFMPEG_ERRORS = False module-attribute

Whether to print only ffmpeg errors. C_TO_PRINT_ONLY_FFMPEG_ERRORS > C_TO_PRINT_FFMPEG_DEBUG. The code first checks if to print only errors.

C_TO_PRINT_PACKAGE_INFO = True module-attribute

Whether to show package info.

C_TO_RENAME_FILES = False module-attribute

Whether to rename files. It should work with False.

C_TO_SAVE_LOGS = False module-attribute

Whether to save ffmpeg logs.